But one of these days the groundhog is bound to find its shadow missing, and we'll be able to celebrate the start of spring.
Some parts of the country however will be able to celebrate earlier than others.
Southern California, Nevada, and Arizona will be the first to experience an early, dry spring. With recent droughts causing problems for some communities, they'll be sure to welcome the possibility of spring showers.
Southern Utah, Colorado, much of Kansas, Western Oklahoma, Western Texas, and all of New Mexico will come in a close second, finding warm, dry weather by March.
Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Northern Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, much of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Southwestern Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and the southwestern half of Illinois will have a slow transition to spring.
The Northeastern United states consisting of much of North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Northeastern Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, New Jersey, Deleware, Maryland, and Massachusetts will remain cold with continuing snow possibly into early spring.
Snow Blowers
Single-Stage Snow Blowers
Two-Stage Snow Blowers
Three-Stage Snow Blowers
Power Brushes
Tractor Mounted Snow Blowers and Plows Blades